Grove Music - Spirituals, Hymns and Gospels
audio clips index
- Amazing Grace - John Newton, arr. Gwyn Arch
- Crimond - Jessie Irvine, arr. Gwyn Arch
- Down by the Riverside - Arr. Gwyn Arch
- Dry Bones - Arr. Gwyn Arch
- Ev'ry Time I Feel the Spirit - Arr. Gwyn Arch
- Give Me Jesus - Arr. Gwyn Arch
- God Be With You Till We Meet Again - William Toner, arr. Gwyn Arch
- Gospel Glory - Arr. Gwyn Arch
- How Can I keep from Singing? - Arr. Gwyn Arch
- I stood on the River of Jordan - Arr. Gwyn Arch
- Michael, Row the Boat Ashore - Arr. Gwyn Arch
- My Journey to the Sky - Arr. Gwyn Arch
- Old Grey Robe - Arr. Gwyn Arch
- Ride the Chariot - Arr. Gwyn Arch
- Shall We Gather at the River? - Robert Lowry, arr. Gwyn Arch
- Standing in the Need of Prayer - Arr. Gwyn Arch
- The Gospel Train - Arr. Gwyn Arch
- The Lord's Prayer - Arr. Gwyn Arch
- There Is a Balm in Gilead - Arr. Gwyn Arch
- Wade in the Water - Arr. Gwyn Arch
- When the Love Comes Trickalin' Down - Arr. Gwyn Arch
- Who Built the Ark? / The Old Ark's A-moverin' - Arr. Gwyn Arch